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Welcome to CLP 2024
Promoting Whole Health Through Innovative and Integrative Approaches to C-L ‎Psychiatry
November 6 - 9, 2024 • Miami, FL

Dear colleagues, 

This year's meeting will focus on the role of C-L Psychiatry in evidence-based approaches ‎to whole health. Expanding upon C-L Psychiatry's expertise in the care of the whole ‎person, integrative medicine advances the biopsychosocial model and to behavioral, spiritual, environmental, community, and population-based ‎approaches to patient care. The meeting will offer innovations in how C-L Psychiatry ‎can incorporate therapeutic lifestyle, nutritional, and complementary interventions ‎alongside conventional psychiatric care to achieve optimal health and healing‎‎.

Register here!

Here's a preview of what you can expect at this year's meeting:

Wednesday, four free half-day preconference courses:

    • Updates in C-L Psychiatry preconference course, featuring five speakers discussing updates on current C-L topics (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) - Free to Academy members that register for the Annual Meeting
    • Advocacy Skills for Psychiatric Physicians: Leading Change in the Practice of Medicine (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) Free to Academy members that register for the Annual Meeting
    • Advanced Practice Provider Skills Course (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM) Free to anyone registered for the Annual Meeting
    • An Experiential Course in Reflective Writing: Creative Narratives to Promote Whole Health in Our Patients and Ourselves (9:30 AM – 12:00 PM) Free to Academy members that register for the Annual Meeting
  • Ten outstanding preconference skills courses
  • Four fabulous plenary sessions, including the Saturday conversation on The Future of Psychedelic Therapeutics in C-L Psychiatry: Practical, Ethical, and ‎Clinical Perspectives
  • The Research Colloquium with a focus on evidence and discovery in C-L, coupled with mentorship sessions
  • 200+ scientific posters; 60 oral papers; 65 General Sessions; 35 virtual sessions
  • Networking time and social events to build your connections with other C-L professionals
  • A location in downtown Miami, to soak up the sun, including an exciting outing offered by the Local Arrangements Subcommittee
We are looking forward to seeing everyone in Miami!


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Amy Bauer, MD, FACLP
Scientific Program Chair


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Anne Gross, MD, FACLP
Assistant Program Chair